
You can always yell for help with

scrutineer help

Somehow I have the feeling this doesn't answer your question. So here we go with a few examples.

Who am I?

Forgot your user handle? Wonder under which account you are logged in?

scrutineer whoami

How do I trust another user?

First make sure you communicate the user handle via a secure channel. User handles always start with a "U". It is important to receive the user handle via a secure channel. Scrutineer guarantees that signed commits really belong to the user in the commit. Scrutineer can't guarantee that the signed commit belongs to a specific person, for example the e-mail address you see in a signed commit.

Trust a user handle from now until now + 365 days

scrutineer trust user UXXXXXXXX

Or with a more specific start and end time

scrutineer trust user --start 2023-01-01T00:00:00 --end 2023-12-31T00:00:00 UXXXXXXXX

There is no need to trust yourself. You always do 🙂

Show Realm 🏰

To see who you trust, run

# scrutineer realm

Direct trust relationships:
ID      User ID         Start                   End
1       UAAAAAAAA       2023-10-10T17:00:00Z    2024-10-10T17:00:00Z